Rules Governing and Restricting the Use and Supply of Water
Title 15 of the Rules of the City of New York Chapter 20 can be used to review the rules governing the permits, taps, water service line, backflow prevention devices, meters, air conditioner, refrigeration, inspection, fire hydrant use and enforcement.
Permits for Tap, Plug, Wet Connection, Repair/Relay of Water Service Line
All repair/relay permit applications should now be filed online through the Permit and Review Information System (PARIS). If you are not already registered, visit PARIS and follow the instructions to create an account and profile. Please contact the PARIS Support Line at 718-595-3088 or email with any questions or download the PARIS Water/Sewer Permit Applications User Manual.
If you are installing a tap or wet connection only, you must also provide:
If you are plugging a tap or wet connection only, you must also provide a notarized affidavit from the property owner.
If you are plugging and installing a new tap or wet connection, you must also provide the following:
If you are conducting a repair/relay of a water service line, you must also provide a fixture count of the entire property, which is required to determine the proper size of any relayed service line. Please note that while repairs may be performed with emergency permits from the New York City Department of Transportation, a DEP permit is required for all relays. Repairs are not permitted on lead service lines; relay is required in all cases where lead is present. In addition, service connections 5/8-inch or greater must be plugged and a new tap must be installed that is properly sized for the fixture count.
Tap Card Form for Licensed Master Plumbers (Self-Certification)
For self-certified work (work not inspected by DEP), the Tap Card Form provides documentation that the permitted work has been completed in accordance with all standards and rules. Currently, all work on domestic service lines that are two inches or less is self-certified. This tap card must be completed by the Licensed Master Plumber authorized to do the work and returned to DEP within 15 days from the permit expiration date. The Tap Card is a requirement of the self-certified permit process and failure to submit this Tap Card may result in the suspension of new permits.
Submit Tap Card Forms electronically via the Permit and Review Information System (PARIS). A tap card web form is available for both online permits and paper permits on PARIS. Please note, all tap cards connected to online permits MUST be submitted online as well. For more information on how to register please visit PARIS.
Building a Private Water Main
This form must be filed by the owner of the proposed private water main to obtain approval from DEP to build a private water main.
A pre-construction meeting is required after a Private Water Main Plan has been approved and before construction can begin. Pre-construction meetings must be scheduled at least 15 days prior to initiating construction. The items in the attached checklist must be brought to the pre-construction meeting.
Missing Owner Private Water Main Affidavit
This affidavit must be submitted when applying for a house connection to a private water main in cases where the owner of the private water main cannot be contacted.
Application for a Hydrant Flow Test
Hydrant flow tests determine the pressure and flow adequacy of the NYC Water Supply System at a specific location. All Hydrant Flow Test permit applications should now be filed online through the Permit and Review Information System (PARIS). If you are not already registered, visit PARIS and follow the instructions to create an account and profile.
Please contact the PARIS Support Line at 718-595-3088 or with any questions. For guidance on how to use the system:
Application for a Hydrant Water Use Permit
Businesses wishing to use water from a City fire hydrant require a Hydrant Water Use Permit. This permit grants access to hydrant water for a specific period of time and requires payment in advance on a ‘per day of use’ basis. See Title 15 of the Rules of the City of New York Chapter 20.
Visit Hydrant Water Use Permit for the application form and instructions.
You can submit your hydrant modification request online using the Hydrant Installation/Relocation/Removal/Alteration Form.
To request the modification, you must submit a letter (attached to the online submission). The letter must include:
The reviewer of the request will reach out via email with any decisions. If the application is approved: